The Association shall be called the Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association.
(a) The advancement of knowledge in basic and clinical thyroidology.
(b) The enhancement of interest in the practice of medicine related to the thyroid and promotion of relevant research in thyroidology.
(c) The facilitation of collaboration and exchange of information among individuals and national societies within the region.
(d) The organization and coordination of regiona1 scientific congresses and conferences within the region.
(e) The election of representatives from the region to the International Thyroid Congress Coordinating Committee.
a) Individual Membership: Physicians and scientists within the region who are interested in the study of thyroidology and its clinical applications.
Councils of Association
(a) The Association shall have a Council which shall have the responsibility of governing the Association.
(b) The Council shall be elected at the time of the International Thyroid Congress and shall hold office until the next International Congress.
(c) Individual members from each nation within the region shall be responsible for nominating and electing fifteen (15) representatives to the Council from at least five countries within the region with no more than three (3) Council members coming from any one country.
(d) The Council shall hold at least two meetings during its tenure of office.
(e) The Council shall be responsible for the election of representatives to the International Thyroid Congress.
Office Bearers and Executive Committee
(a) The Office Bearers are the President, 3 Vice-Presidents, and a Secretary/Treasurer who shall compose the Executive Committee.
(b) The Executive Committee may be enlarged by two (2) additional members elected by the Council.
(c) The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association between Council Meetings and disseminate information to members.
Individual and Society/Organization Membership dues shall be set by the Council from time to time in its regular meetings.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for financing expenses between Congresses.
From 2010 to 2015, annual membership fee shall be 4 USD. This will be collected either by national thyroid association to which member belong or by one of members of a country in which there is no national thyroid association.
Conferences and Congress
(a) The Council has the responsibility of organizing at least one regional conference between International Thyroid Congresses. It may authorize the Executive Committee to create the necessary Organizing and other working committees to implement or run such conferences.
(b) Conferences may be held alone or in collaboration with the Asia and Oceania Endocrine Society or with other recognized scientific or medical societies or organizations within the region.
(c) The Executive Committee shall coordinate meetings throughout the region with consultation with National Societies and other regional organizations to avoid conflicts of schedule.
(Amended on November 3, 2009)